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Why Coaching

Writer: Leily ZarianLeily Zarian


... we are living in a changing environment

... change is the only constant

... there is a science behind our fear of failure

... we deserve emotional support when life is complicated

... our inner voice disempowers us

... it is difficult to create long lasting habits

When we are facing change and ambiguity in our lives, such as a new country, a new job, a new team or a new chapter in our relationship, our first reaction is to survive!

Survival mode is filled with fear, stress and doubt about what could happen next. It is also full of lies that we have convinced ourselves are true, like: Mondays suck, I will never make it, I am a fraud, my partner is a control freak, everybody slept when I was presenting, etc.

Research and many years of coaching athletes have proven that every human being has a reserve of energy, creativity, ideas, talent and intelligence that when activated becomes a game changer!

Coaching is about partnering with clients to maximize their potential, clear out self-doubt, find a new perspective and head into change empowered and ready.

Last but not least because I strongly believe that work and life can go well together, that work can be a safe place to bring your whole and being authentic if you dip into your hidden reserve and unleash your potential.



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